life isn't always going to be rainbows and unicorns. sadly we humans can love. sadly because when you love, you can also lose. to step away from loss and grief and pain and sorrow...loneliness or even self pity...and to go out and take a picture that is beautiful..
well... its therapy.
only much much cheaper than a person who charges you by the hour.
more times than i can count i have turned to photography to express myself as much as to capture something. the pictures she took were moving to me. they were her grandparents home...their yard.
they told a story that i can't fully express in this blog (the pictures do the telling better).
you see..i too have lost a grandparent. and i think she captured a memory she knew she needed to hold onto. tightly.
i have actually lost three grandparents. and each loss changed my family forever. no family gathering has been the same since. houses have been sold and bought...
changes like that have never been easy for me. and by looking at her pictures, and seeing the yard, the vines, the flowers, the kids smiling... i am reminded of my own family on the edge of loss and change. i only wish i had managed to capture with such simplicity the places that meant so much.
bravo amanda.
as i was searching for a picture to add i came across albums from my families trip to maine before joel's grandfather passed away. i was pleased to find it because it fits nicely here. looking at those pictures captures a time we will always want to hold on tight to. the picture is of CJ (little courtney) and par (big courtney)